Event Registration

Please select the items you wish to purchase, by placing the desired quantity in the box below each item. Various items can be combined and purchased together. Select all of the items that you want and continue to the next step. Additional information and confirmations will appear on the following pages.
Under the section requesting your preferred players on your team, either enter the names of the players you wish to play with or "None" if you have no preference. You only need to fill out the question with the player names one time. If asked when filling in registrations for a team, just list the preferred players one time and type in "see above" in future boxes.
Golf Course
Deerwood/Forrest Course (Player)
Lake course (Player)
More Underwriter - Including 4 golf player spots - 4 Players Included
  • A sign with your name will be prominently displayed in the reception area & on the golf course
  • Underwriters are entitled to four (4) playing spots
  •  Recognition on our website
  • If you would like a company logo on the sign, please provide it to Marissa Lashari by September 14.   mlashari@cvrenergy.com
Carl McCain Golf Shirts - Sold Out - 3 Teams Included
Jackets - Sold Out - 3 Teams Included
More Golf Cart Sponsor - 1 Team Included
Note Only 1 available.
More Beverage Cart Sponsor - Sold Out - 1 Team Included
  • Sponsorship of beverage carts on all 4 courses
Breakfast - Sold Out - 1 Team Included
Dinner and Cocktails - Sold Out - 1 Team Included
Golf Ball Sponsorship - Sold Out - 1 Team Included
More Lunch - Lake Course
Note Only 1 available.
Lunch - Marsh Course - Sold Out
More Lunch - Island Course
Note Only 1 available.
More Hole-In-One - Island Course
Note Only 1 available.
Hole-In-One - Lake Course - Sold Out
Hole-In-One - Marsh Course - Sold Out
More Beverage Tent
Note Only 2 available.
Tiger Drive - Island Course - Sold Out
Raffle Item Sponsor
Tiger Drive - Marsh Course - Sold Out
Tiger Drive - Lake Course - Sold Out
Photography - Sold Out
More Sponsor
  • A sign with your name will be prominently displayed in the reception area & on the golf course
  • If you would like a company logo on the sign, please provide it to Marissa Lashari by September 14.   mlashari@cvrenergy.com
Snacks for Carts - Sold Out
ICE Sponsor - Sold Out
Water Sponsor - Sold Out
More Cocktail Party/Dinner ONLY - Non-Golfer

The cocktail party/dinner is included in the golf registration. Choose this option if you only want to attend the cocktail party/dinner & you have not registered for golf.

More 1 Set of 5 Raffle Tickets

If you pre-pay, we will put your name on the tickets. Don't have to be present to win.

More 1 sets of 30 Raffle Tickets

If you pre-pay, we will put your name on the tickets. Don't have to be present to win.

More Donation

Please consider a charitable donation if you cannot attend

"Talking to a golf ball won't do you any good. Unless you do it while your opponent is teeing off."